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Fifty Sense: Common Sense Ideas for Thriving after 50
Fifty Sense: Common Sense Ideas for Thriving after 50

Health: Finding the Right Shoe For You

The wrong shoes can cause or aggravate foot ailments. The right shoes can often prevent - but cannot correct - problems. So wearing the right shoes is vital to foot health. Follow this checklist when you buy shoes. Be sure they measure up.


  • Leather is best because is breathes like skin and molds to your foot. But cheaper canvas is fine for fast-growing children.
  • Soles should be strong and flexible with a good gripping surface.
  • Insoles should be cushioned to absorb the jolts of walking on hard surfaces.
  • Arch supports distribute weight over a wider area. Rigid shanks also give added support.
  • High heels are fun and look good, but they should not be worn too long at a stretch or for much walking. Besides cramping the toes, they change body posture, making backaches more likely.


  • Only you can tell if shoes fit. If they aren't comfortable, don't buy them!
  • Don't plan on shoes stretching with wear. If you already own shoes that are too tight, ask your shoe repair shop if they can be stretched.
  • Because feet spread with age, have your feet measured every time you buy shoes. Both feet should be measured as they are often different sizes. Always buy shoes for the BIGGEST foot.
  • Go shoe shopping late in the afternoon. Feet swell to their largest then.
  • Size depends on shoe make and style, too. Don't insist you always wear one size if the next feels better.
  • The toe box should be roomy enough so you can wiggle all your toes.
  • Your forefoot should NOT be wider than your shoe.
  • The heel should fit snugly and the instep should not gape open.
  • If you can't find shoes that fit, ask your doctor for advice.

For more first aid information, visit www.mayoclinic.com.

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