AWOL on the Appalachian Trail
by David Miller

There are many books written about thru hikes on the Appalachian Trail, but not too many from older hikers. In 2003, David Miller, quit his job to backpack 2172 miles from Georgia to Maine.
This book is more than a diary – it provides knowledge of the hike, and about the towns, but practical knowledge about what to expect during the hike. I enjoyed not only the positive, but also the fears faced by David.
Quoted from the book: "I am 41 years old, and I've worked since getting out of college as a computer programmer. I'm in decent shape for a person who's been holed up in an office for so long. I'm married and have three little girls. Our fifteenth wedding anniversary will pass in my absence. Nothing is wrong with my life.
My family is outstanding. I have what most people would consider to be a decent job. I'm not unhappy, and I'm not hiking to escape from anything. My life is precariously normal. I've been told that taking this trip at this time in my life is irresponsible, a charge I won't contest.
Maybe doing it later in life would make more sense. But my father had bypass surgery and my mom is fighting cancer. My opinion of "later" is jaded, I'm headed for Maine."
...Fiftysense Product Review Panel